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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

"Brief Devotions For Busy Lives" by Rev. Dr. Mary Johnson: Luke 18:15-17

June 15

"Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." - Jesus in Luke 18:15-17 (ESV)

It was customary for a mother to bring her children to a rabbi for a blessing in biblical times, and that is partially why these mothers in today's scripture gathered around Jesus. Yet the disciples were upset about the crowds of children believing them unworthy of so much of the Master's time and obviously far less important than healing, teaching, and preaching. But Jesus rebuked and corrected his disciples mistaken priorities and welcomed the children because of his deep love for them and a divine awareness little children have exactly the kind of faith and trust needed to enter God's Kingdom. Many of life's rewards seem to go to the rich, good-looking, or powerful, but the Kingdom of God is equally available to all, regardless of position or abilities. The truth is we come to Jesus not through strength, money, intelligence, or brains, but through childlike trust.

Yet we may wonder, as many have, how do we practically receive and enter the Kingdom of God "like a child"? While there has been much speculation about this, it basically means having the simple, trusting attitude about God that children have with adults they depend on. Jesus wants his adult disciples to enjoy prayer by delighting in his company. Jesus wants us to find ways to spend time with him in busy days and love reading about his actions, teachings, and words in our Bibles. Jesus wants us to be like children in: enthusiastically seeking his help in any problem, relying on God for guidance, and trusting the Lord in all matters. Children do all this with adults who love them. How much more should we have that same attitude toward Jesus, who loves us more than life itself. Pause a minute today from all efforts of trying so hard to be in control. Relax and picture yourself jumping into Jesus lap for a big hug. Feel his loving embrace and let the Kingdom of God enfold you!

Prayer: God, Help me become as a child as I seek to draw closer to your presence. Restore trust in you and joy in your world . Amen

Meditation For The Day: Children's loving trust flows. Adults control.

Brief Devotions For Busy Lives: Daily Spring Renewal Paperback – February 21, 2017, by Rev. Dr. Mary Johnson (Author)

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